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- LiveVue

AI-Powered DashCams for School Buses and Vans

ZenduCam Lite

Minimize accidents, boost productivity, and increase revenue for fleet operators

The ZenduCAM ADAS dash camera series are industry-leading, multi-channel dash camera solution that utilizes an  (AI) processor, sophisticated advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) that enable fleet managers to mitigate accidents, identify risky driving behavior, and provide drivers with immediate, actionable feedback and instruction.

Screenshot of Safebus Alert App

REAL-TIME Video Fotage


Safebus LiveVue incorporates the latest cutting-edge technology including IP wireless video cameras, wireless mobile WIFI hotspots, and affordable cellular data plans for K-12 and day care center school busses and vans:

Llive video streaming of the school bus trip

View your child getting off and on the bus safely

Use the Safebus LiveVue App on your smartphone or tablet

Breakthrough video security technology with PFR (Person Facial Recognition) verifies your child's identity

Live Video Streaming or Play Back in High Definition

Automated recording and Retrieval of critical road and driver facing footage in high definition to ensure driver safety. 

Llive video streaming of the school bus trip

Easily View and Retrieve Footage for Review

Live Driver Coaching in Real-Time

Upload and Download Footage securely to the cloud

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Create Custom Rules and Actionable Alerts

Leverage AI and facial recognition software designed to automatically detect high-risk behavior and enable actionable alerts to take informed decisions.

Get real-time alerts for distracted or dangerous driving

Driver monitoring & coaching to improve efficiency

Live Driver Coaching in Real-Time

Prevent risks by allowing only assigned drivers to use vehicles

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Improve Driver Performance using In-Cabin Coaching

Review video footage and provide techniques and coaching to improve your driver behaviors and fleet operations on the go

Easily view live footage and retrieve archived footage for review

Driver monitoring & coaching made in real-time to improve efficiency

Creating driver scoring to lower accidents and improve behaior

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